石橋英子が2025年3月28日にDrag Cityより歌のニュー・アルバム”Antigone(アンティゴネ)”をリリースする。
アルバムは前回の歌のアルバムに引き続きJim O’Rourkeとの共同プロデュース、O’Rourke氏の他に
山本達久、Marty Holoubek、ermhoi、松丸契、Joe Talia、Kalle Mobergが参加している。
Drag CityからはLPと配信のみのリリース。日本盤はCDのみで主にライブ会場などで販売される。
Eiko Ishibashi / Antigone
1 October
2 Coma
3 Trial
4 Nothing As
5 Mona Lisa
6 Continuous Contiguous
7 The Model
8 Antigone
all songs written by Eiko Ishibashi
(Except ‘Nothing As’ written by Jim O’Rourke)
Produced with JIm O’Rourke
Recorded by Jim O’Rourke and Eiko Ishibashi
Mixed by JIm O’Rourke
Strings and Horn Arrangements:Eiko Ishibashi and Jim O”Rourke
Recorded at Hoshi to Niji Recording Studio,Steamroom,Atelier Eiko
Eiko Ishibashi:Vocal,Piano,Rhodes,Synths,Sound Collage
Jim O’Rourke:Synths,BassVI,Drum Machine
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto:Drums
Marty Holoubek:Bass (Track 1,2,3,5,6,7,8)
Ermhoi:Vocal (Track 2),Backing Vocals (Track 2,3,5,7)
Joe Talia:Percussion (Track 1,2),Drums(Track 3)
Kalle Moberg:Accordion (Track 2,6)
Kei Matsumaru:Alto and Tenor Sax (Track 3,5)
Toshiaki Sudoh:Bass (Track 4)
Mio.O:Violin (Track 8)
Kirin Uchida:Cello (Track 8)
Orchestra Part of Track 7 was composed for ”2×25 Film Fest Gent’ and performed
by Brussels Philharmonic, conducted by Dirk Brossé.
Spoken text of Track 7 is from “The Politics of Health in the Eighteenth Century”
by Michel Foucault
Cover Photo:Taro Mizutani
Inner Sleeve Photo:Yoko Kusano,Taro Mizutani
Design:Dan Osborn
Lyric translation:Ermhoi,JimO’Rourke
Date : 2025.03.28
Label : Drag City
Coma MUSIC VIDEO:https://youtu.be/
Eiko Ishibashi “Antigone”Release Party
March 14,2025 at EBISU LIQUIDROOM
open 18:00 / start 19:00
ADV 6,000yen ( tax in / with out Drink)
info. SMASH 03-3444-6751
1/9(木) 12:00~1/15(水) 23:59
石橋英子(p,syn,fl,vo) / Jim O’Rourke(g) / 山本達久(ds) / Joe Talia(ds)
Marty Holoubek(b) / 藤原大輔(ts,fl) / 松丸契(as,fl,cl) / ermhoi(cho,syn)
これまでにDrag City、Black Truffle、Editions Megoなどからアルバムをリリースしている。
2020年1月、シドニーの美術館Art Gallery of New South Walesでの展覧会「JapanSupernatural」の展示の為の音楽を制作、「Hyakki Yagyo」としてBlack Truffleからリリースした。
2021年、濱口竜介監督映画「ドライブ・マイ・カー」の音楽を担当。2022年「ForMcCoy」をBlack Truffleからリリース。
2025年3月、Drag Cityより7年ぶりの歌のアルバム「Antigone」をリリース予定。
Eiko Ishibashi is a Japan-based musician whose work have been released by labels such asDrag City, Black Truffle, and Editions Mego.
In January 2020, she was commissioned to compose music for the exhibition “JapanSupernatural” at The Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney. This composition was later released as the album “Hyakki Yagyo” by Black Truffle.
The following year, in 2021, Ishibashi composed the soundtrack for Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s film “Drive My Car. In 2022, she unveiled her new LP “For McCoy” fromBlack Truffle and began her residency on the global radio platform NTS Radio.
Continuing her collaboration with Hamaguchi, she created the score for his 2023 film“Evil Does Not Exist”. Additionally, they launched the project “GIFT”, featuring a silent film by Hamaguchi specially created to accompany Ishibashi’s live musical performance. This project took her on tour both within Japan and internationally
.Ishibashi is set to release her new song album “Antigone” in March 2025 via Drag City, marking her first song album release in seven years.