手話学習の敷居を低くするために様々なサポートを用意したNative Camp ASL。初心者でも安心して学べる秘訣、知りたい?🤔
Native Campが始めたアメリカ手話サービスが、実はすごく便利なんです!🌟 今年に入って、会員数が1,000人を超えて、『手話がもっと身近に!』っていうコンセプトでみんなが楽しく学べる環境が整えられています。24時間いつでも受けられるレッスン、しかも予約いらずっていうのが魅力的。🥳 多忙な方でもスキマ時間で気軽にできるし、英語も同時に学べるチャンスがありますよ。これからのデフリンピックに向けて、ぜひ手話を体験してみましょう!
1. 完全マンツーマンのレッスンで安心!
2. レッスンは無制限で受け放題!
3. 予約不要でいつでも受講可能!
4. 英語と手話が同時に学べる!
5. デフリンピック開催に向けて手話学習が重要!
オンラインアメリカ手話サービス「Native Camp American Sign Language」を展開する株式会社ネイティブキャンプ(東京都渋谷区 代表取締役: 谷川国洋)は、このたび『Native Camp American Sign Language』の会員数が1000人を突破いたしました。
“Native Camp American Sign Language” is the industry’s first sign language learning platform that allows you to connect with instructors for ASL online lessons anytime, anywhere, and as often as you like.
With a fixed-rate subscription, we offer unlimited lessons, available 24/7 without the need for reservations. This makes our platform highly cost-effective and convenient.
According to the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, American Sign Language (ASL) is widely used across the United States and is recognized as the third most common language after English and Spanish.(*)
ASL has been gaining even more global attention, especially after Justina Miles captivated audiences worldwide with her sign language performance during Rihanna’s halftime show at the NFL Super Bowl. This has further contributed to the growing recognition and spread of ASL.
(*) Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Native Camp American Sign Language” Surpasses 1,000 Members!
We’re excited to announce that Native Camp American Sign Language has officially surpassed 1,000 members!
Our platform makes learning American Sign Language (ASL) more accessible and enjoyable, with supportive instructors who are dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. Even if you’ve never learned sign language before, you can feel confident knowing that our instructors will provide patient and thorough support, helping you experience ASL in a fun and approachable way.
Plus, with the Deaflympics coming to Tokyo in 2025, now is the perfect time to start learning sign language and develop practical communication skills. Why not take this opportunity to begin your ASL journey?
7-Day Free + $69 Coupon!
At Native Camp American Sign Language, we aim to make learning ASL more accessible—even for those who have never tried sign language before.
To help more people experience unlimited ASL lessons, we’re currently offering a 7-day free trial + a $69 coupon giveaway!
During this limited-time campaign, all new sign-ups will automatically receive 7 days of free access. Plus, we’re giving away a $69 coupon—equivalent to the monthly fee! Don’t miss this chance to start learning ASL today.
[Sign up here!]
Features of Native Camp American Sign Language
A fun and accessible ASL learning platform where instructors provide supportive guidance to help you learn sign language with ease.
1. One-on-One Lessons for Beginners
Our experienced instructors tailor lessons to each student’s goals and needs. Many instructors are fluent in English, providing additional explanations when needed. Even if you’re new to ASL, you can learn with confidence!
2. Unlimited Lessons
Enjoy unlimited ASL lessons, allowing you to immerse yourself in sign language as much as you want. Whether a 25-minute lesson isn’t enough or you’d like to take multiple lessons in your free time, you can learn without worrying about extra costs.
3. No Reservations Needed
With our “Instant Lesson” feature, you can take ASL lessons anytime, 24/7, whenever you feel like learning. Even if you have a busy schedule, you can fit ASL into your spare moments at your convenience.
(*Excluding scheduled maintenance)
About Native Camp, Inc.
Native Camp is one of the fastest-growing online English learning companies in Asia. We offer affordable online lessons for individuals, businesses, and educational institutions.
With offices around the world, we operate online language learning services across Asia, Europe, and North America, and our reach continues to expand rapidly.
Since 2024, we have also launched new services, including online Japanese conversation lessons, study abroad consulting, and online American Sign Language (ASL) lessons.
Headquarters: Ohata Building, 1-9-2 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0041, Japan
CEO: Kunihiro Tanikawa
Business Areas: Online English Learning / Online American Sign Language Services
Website: https://nativecamp.co.jp/
For Media Inquiries Regarding This Press Release
Native Camp, Inc. – Public Relations Department
Contact: https://nativecamp.net/cs/media
『Native Camp American Sign Language』会員数1000人突破!
このたび、『Native Camp American Sign Language』の会員数が1000人を突破いたしました。
Native Camp American Sign Languageは、手話への敷居が低く、講師が寄り添って、楽しく手話を学ぶアメリカ手話学習プラットフォームです。手話初心者の方でも安心して学べるよう、講師が丁寧にサポートしながら、今まで手話に触れたことがない方にも、手話を身近に感じていただけます。
Native Camp American Sign Languageでは、これまで手話に触れたことのない方にも「もっと気軽に手話を学べるサービス」を提供することを目指しています。現在、より多くの皆さまにレッスン回数無制限で手話を体験していただけるよう、7日間無料+9,800円分のクーポンプレゼントキャンペーンを実施中です。
Native Camp American Sign Languageの特長
Native Camp American Sign Languageは、手話への敷居が低く、講師が寄り添って、楽しく手話を学ぶアメリカ手話学習プラットフォームです。
1. 初心者でも安心のマンツーマン指導
2. レッスン回数無制限
3. 予約不要
* 定期メンテナンスを除く
〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-9-2 大畠ビル
代表取締役: 谷川 国洋
事業内容: オンライン英会話サービス事業 / オンラインアメリカ手話サービス事業
株式会社ネイティブキャンプ 広報部