









Opening Ceremony 2024 took place

On April 13th (Saturday), our Opening Ceremony took place. Amidst the full bloom of sakura, it was a serene event filled with smiles from everyone gathered. The participants successfully delivered their Japanese self-introductions, which they had been practicing until yesterday. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who attended, to the graduates who sent their messages, and to everyone who supported us from afar.

The Asian Rural Institute (ARI) warmly welcomed community members, including participants, to our Sakura Viewing Community Building Event 2024, creating an atmosphere ripe for connections under the blossoming cherry trees. Amidst vibrant discussions and shared experiences, individuals from diverse backgrounds came together, weaving a rich tapestry of unity and collaboration.

Engaging in activities aimed at understanding each other’s cultural backgrounds and sharing life stories sparked meaningful dialogue, that will empower participants to initiate positive change in their communities.

As the delicate petals danced in the breeze, a profound sense of gratitude filled the air for the bonds forged and the opportunities that lay ahead. The event served as a powerful testament to the transformative influence of community, highlighting the beauty of diversity and the strength found in shared values.

Today marks the opening ceremonies for this class of participants. Let us come together in prayer, wishing them a fruitful training that will equip them to carry the promise of a brighter future. May they be inspired by the spirit of collaboration that defines our community, guiding them on their journey of growth and impact.

関連URL : https://ari.ac.jp/opening-ceremony-2024-took-place/?ari=press


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