
記事の購読時間: 3








ニューズウィーク国際版に掲載された記事。インタビュー全文はWorld folio社のwebページに掲載されます。


【山口絵理子(代表取締役 兼 チーフデザイナー)】
1981年埼玉県生まれ。慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業。ワシントンの国際機関でのインターンを経て、バングラデシュBRAC大学院開発学部修士課程に留学。2年後に帰国し「途上国から世界に通用するブランドをつくる」をミッションとして、株式会社マザーハウスを設立。2024年4月現在、バングラデシュを始めとした6か国の自社工場・提携工房にて、バッグ、ジュエリー、アパレルの開発・生産を行う。日本国内43店舗、海外2か国にて直営店を展開。代表として経営を担う一方、「MOTHERHOUSE」、「Jewelry MOTHERHOUSE」、「ERIKO YAMAGUCHI」の3ブランドにおけるデザイナーとして、ほぼ全てのプロダクトデザインを行っている。

「Young Global Leaders(YGL)2008」、「Harvard Business School Club of Japan Entrepreneur of the Year 2012」、WWDジャパン「NEXT LEADERS 2020」、「令和二年度 第16回 さいたま輝き荻野吟子賞」、「EYアントレプレナー・オブ・ザ・イヤー 2022 ジャパン」などを受賞。MBS「情熱大陸」(2008年)、テレビ東京「カンブリア宮殿」(2017年/2020年)、NHK「NHKスペシャル」(2020年)、関西テレビ「セブンルール」(2023年)など多数のメディアに出演。著作に「裸でも生きる(2007/講談社)」、「Third Way(2019年/ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン)」がある。




会社名  株式会社マザーハウス 

所在地  東京都台東区台東2-27-3 NSKビル1F・2F
設立   2006年3月9日

資本金  27,950,000円

代表   山口絵理子
事業内容 発展途上国におけるアパレル製品及び雑貨の企画・生産・品質指導、同商品の先進国における販売

Newsweek International (April 26-May 3, 2024),a business magazine published in 59 countries around the world, featured an article about MOTHERHOUSE and its director, Eriko Yamaguchi, as one of Japan's leading fashion brands.

We are pleased to announce that an interview with MOTHERHOUSE director Eriko Yamaguchi as a leading Japanese fashion brand was published in the April 26-May 3, 2024, issue of Newsweek International, a business magazine that is circulated in 59 countries around the world.


MOTHERHOUSE's manufacturing is “a true collaboration between Japan and developing countries,” combining the essence of Japanese design with materials and craftsmanship from developing countries. MOTHERHOUSE is loved by fans not only in Japan but also overseas, continues to present the charm and potential of developing countries through its products. MOTHERHOUSE will continue to showcase the potential of developing countries to the world.

■Newsweek International Edition (April 26-May 3, 2024)

To read the full article (English).

*The magazine is scheduled to arrive in the Western book section of bookstores around the end of May. It will also be available through magazine subscription services.

*Full text of the interview is available.



【Eriko Yamaguchi  Chief Designer and Founder】
Born in Saitama Prefecture, Japan in 1981, Yamaguchi Eriko graduated from Keio University. After interning at the Inter-American Development Bank, she studied abroad at the BRAC Graduate School of Development Studies in Bangladesh. Two years later, she returned to Japan and founded Motherhouse Co., Ltd. with the mission of “creating a world-class brand from developing countries”. As of December 2023, Motherhouse develops and produces bags, jewelry, and apparel at our owned factories and partner workshops across six countries, including Bangladesh. The brand owns and operates 43 stores in Japan as well as stores in 2 countries overseas (Singapore and Taiwan).

While managing the company as the representative, she also designs almost all products as a designer for the three brands “MOTHERHOUSE”, “Jewelry MOTHERHOUSE”, and “ERIKO YAMAGUCHI”.
She has been recognized as “Young Global Leaders” by the World Economic Forum  in 2008, “Entrepreneur of the Year” by Harvard Business School Club of Japan in 2012, “NEXT LEADERS” by WWD JAPAN in 2020, The 16th Saitama Shine Ogino Ginko Award, 2020 ,and  “Entrepreneur of the year Japan”  by Ernest & Young in 2022 as well as many other awards. She has made many media appearances on media outlets such as NHK special (2020), Newsweek Japan (2021),
Forbes Japan (2022), and WWD Japan (2023). She is also the author of several books including “The Naked Life (2007, Kodansha) ” and “Third Way (2019, Discover Twenty-One)”.


With the philosophy of “Showcasing the potential of developing nations,” MOTHERHOUSE delivers the potential of developing countries to customers around the world through manufacturing bags, jewelry, apparel, and other product. Since its establishment in 2006, the company has continued to create fashion items in Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Myanmar, utilizing the materials and technologies of each country. As a sales base, the company operates 43 directly managed stores in Japan, 5 stores in Taiwan, and 2 stores in Singapore.

【Company Profile】

Company Name:MOTHERHOUSE Co., Ltd.

Location:NSK Bldg. 1F and 2F, 2-27-3 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Establishment:March 9, 2006

Capital:27,950,000 yen

Representative:Eriko Yamaguchi

Business Description:Planning, production, and quality guidance of apparel products and sundry goods in developing countries, and sales of the same products in developed countries.

【For press inquiries regarding this release】

Please contact Public Relations: Sasaki, Yoshinami, MOTHERHOUSE Co., Ltd.


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